The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
1,563 lines
Volume 2
by Mark Shepard
Version 1.0
January 15, 1990
Copyright 1990 Simple Productions
Simple Productions
12 East 15th St. #3
Arcata, California 95521 USA
PC-Write and Quicksoft are registered trademarks of Quicksoft.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 2
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 3
PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2, offers another 100 special commands
for the popular word processing program PC-Write, and helps you
place them on the keys of your choice. It provides greater power
and convenience, with many commands not found in PC-Write or any
other word processor.
With PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2, you can
-- Speed up PC-Write.
-- Call up a Notepad, for sending notes to printer or file.
-- Convert your documents for WordPerfect or Macintosh.
-- Instantly set up page formats for elite fonts.
-- Adjust page breaks to avoid splitting paragraphs.
-- Triple-space in a double-spaced document.
-- Experiment with a Dvorak keyboard.
-- Test and install macros without leaving your document.
-- And much, much more!
PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2, works with PC-Write 3.0.
Here's what registered users of the first PC-Write Macros
disk say about it:
"I use PC-Write heavily, and (PC-Write Macros) will make it
much quicker and easier." Rev. W. M. Childress
"Very useful--very creative macros." Jim Guenzel
"My testing of (your macros) proves their excellence. You
are to be congratulated for a very fine job." Fred Cooper,
retired accountant
"Your manual is clear, concise, and easy to follow." John
C. Daenzer, warehouse manager
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 4
PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2, is shareware. For us, this means
1. We urge you to make copies for others who might like to
try it. Please do not leave out files, remove documentation, or
change the macros. There are no other restrictions.
2. If your shareware copy proves useful, please register by
sending $10. This pays for your use of PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2.
It also brings you
-- Technical support by mail or phone.
-- Notice of major updates.
-- News of our other special products for PC-Write users.
Disks that you purchase direct from Simple Productions are
already registered. ("Free trial disks" are NOT registered.)
Companies and institutions must register for each station at
which PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2, will be used.
To register, please use the form at the end of this
document. All foreign payments must be in US$, by international
postal money order or similar.
We can provide technical support only for our own products.
Quicksoft provides excellent and inexpensive support for PC-Write
itself. All phone support is at your expense. Please call at
reasonable hours.
The simplest way to print this Manual continuously: Turn on
your printer and put your PC-Write Macros disk in drive A. At the
A> prompt, type
followed by RETURN (ENTER). This will print the file MANUAL.
You can also print the file using PC-Write, if you use
PC-Write's default page layout settings, with no left margin.
Here is a list of files:
README Quick intro
GO.BAT Batch file to display README
MANUAL Documentation and registration form
MANUAL.BAT Batch file to print MANUAL
101 thru 200 Numbered macro files
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 5
In this Manual, macros are listed like so:
125. Northeast
This is one of a set of macros for diagonal cursor movement.
(A macro is described following its listing.) "Northeast" is the
title of the macro. The number 125 is the listing number AND the
name of the file that contains the macro.
To install a macro, use PC-Write to call up the file ED.DEF.
This is on your PC-Write workdisk or in your working directory,
along with your other PC-Write program files. If you don't find
it there, you can copy it from PC-Write's program disk, or just
create a file of that name.
PC-Write "reads" ED.DEF whenever you start the program. The
default ruler is stored there. And this is where macros can be
installed so PC-Write reads them automatically at startup.
NOTE: If you are using our PC-Write enhancement program, Writer's
Heaven, you can instead place your macros in the Writer's Heaven
control file--HVN, HEAVEN, or HVN.DEF, depending on your version.
This prevents Writer's Heaven from overriding your macros on the
letter keys.
Place your cursor at the beginning of a new, blank line at
the bottom of the file. Check that the Status Line says "Push"
for Pushright. If it instead says "Over," toggle with ScrollLck.
Now turn off Auto-reformatting and Wordwrap by pressing Shift-F7
until the Status Line says "Wrap-".
Press Ctrl-F3, to import a file. At the top-line prompt,
type the drive location of your PC-Write Macros disk, and the
number of the macro you wish to install. For instance, if your
PC-Write Macros disk is in drive B, and you want to install the
macro shown above, type
(If you have only one drive, you can safely swap your PC-Write
workdisk with the PC-Write Macros disk. But you must swap them
back before saving the file.)
Press RETURN (ENTER), then F5 to clear the marking. You will
see your macro in the following form.
(: Northeast)
The first line defines the macro operation by PC-Write
operation codes. (Some macro definitions take more than one
line.) The bottom line is a "comment," identifying the macro for
your own reference.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 6
At this point, you are ready to assign the macro to the key
of your choice. You can either pick a key that currently does
nothing, or else change what a key does. (The next section
discusses your choices in detail.)
For your reference, add the name of your chosen key to the
comment line. Type it in with your cursor on the colon.
The next step is to insert the code for your chosen key at
the beginning of the macro. You can look up this key code in the
PC-Write User's Guide appendix, or you can insert it
automatically with PC-Write's Numbers Mode.
To use Numbers Mode, place your cursor on the beginning
colon. Press Ctrl-6 (top row) to start Numbers Mode. Next press
the key you have chosen for your macro. The correct key code will
appear in place. (If no code appears, it means no macro can be
assigned to that key.) End Numbers Mode by pressing Ctrl-6 again.
For example, if you assigned the Northeast macro to Alt-1,
it would look as below. (The extra space in front is inserted by
Numbers Mode, but doesn't matter.)
(Alt-1: Northeast)
You can now save the file and exit with F1, F2. Your macro
will be ready the next time, and every time, you use PC-Write.
Note: If you want to use the macro right away, without
exiting, save the file with F1, F3, then ask PC-Write to read it,
with F2, F6. If you switch to another file, remember to restore
Auto-reformatting (Para+) or Wordwrap (Wrap+) with Shft-F7.
Here again are the simple steps for installing a macro:
1. Edit the PC-Write file ED.DEF. Make sure you are in
Pushright mode, with Auto-reformatting and Wordwrap turned off.
2. With your cursor on a new line at the bottom of the file,
use Ctrl-F3 to import the numbered macro file.
3. Add the key name to the comment line, then insert the key
code in front of the macro with Numbers Mode (Ctrl-6).
For advanced users, PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2, offers an
alternate method of installing macros. See the section, "Macros
for Macros."
Alongside our macros, we include a selection of PC-Write
program settings. These are imported into ED.DEF just like
macros, but you don't assign them--they are complete in
themselves. Also, some of our macros are preassigned--for
instance, if two keys are switched. Here again, you don't need to
add anything.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 7
Here are some of the keys you might or might not like to
assign macros to.
CTRL-LETTER KEYS. The letter keys with Control (Ctrl-A,
Ctrl-B, etc.) are presently set up to imitate Wordstar. Since
they duplicate the standard PC-Write command keys, these are good
keys to reassign.
ALT-LETTER KEYS. You CAN reassign letter keys with Alt
(Alt-A, Alt-B, etc.), but this involves technical difficulties
and complications beyond the scope of this documentation. We
recommend you DO NOT reassign these keys.
OTHER SHIFTED LETTER KEYS. You can reassign the letter keys
with Shift-Control and Shift-Alt, assuming you don't need their
box-drawing functions. (Boxes can also be drawn with the Ctrl-F9
menu.) The letter keys with Control-Alt are empty and ready to
assign. On some computers, these keys may not be available.
TOP-ROW NUMBER KEYS. The top-row number keys with Control
cannot be assigned. But these keys with Alt (Alt-1, Alt-2, etc.)
duplicate the function keys with Alt (Alt-F1, etc.)--so they are
good to reassign. Also, these keys with Shift-Alt and Control-Alt
are empty and available.
FUNCTION KEYS. Some function keys with Shift, Control, or
Alt are unassigned, but later versions of PC-Write will probably
fill them in. However, the function keys with Shft-Ctrl, Shft-
Alt, and Shft-Ctrl-Alt are free--except for Shft-Ctrl-F5 and
Shft-Ctrl-F6, which you may not need.
OTHER. Most of the punctuation keys with Control cannot be
assigned. "Named" keys (like Backspace and NumLock) are filled--
though you can change them if you like. Extended keyboards
provide many more assignable keys, as described in PC-Write
documentation. Additional keys may become available for PC-Write
macros if you've loaded a macro program like Newkey or Superkey.
To check for yourself whether a key can be assigned, turn on
Numbers Mode by pressing Ctrl-6 (top row), then press the key in
question. Any key producing a key code can be assigned--though it
may already have a use. Also, keys are listed alphabetically with
their key codes and functions in the PC-Write User's Guide
You now know enough to use PC-Write Macros. But, to explore
PC-Write's customization capabilities in full--or to successfully
modify our macros--you'll want to read the PC-Write User's Guide.
For instance, you could convert our macros into "two-key"
commands--commands given by pressing and releasing first one key,
then another. Creating sets of two-key commands is a good way to
group macros for efficient key use and logic. Find the details in
the PC-Write User's Guide.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 8
101. Install Macro
102. Install Temporary Macro
For advanced users, these macros offer an alternate means of
installing PC-Write Macros, without leaving the document you're
editing. Auto-reformatting must be off. First use Ctrl-F3 to
import the desired macro from the PC-Write Macros disk directly
into your document. Add your chosen key name and code.
To install the macro permanently, place your cursor anywhere on
the first line of the macro and use the Install Macro command.
This exports it to the end of ED.DEF, then asks PC-Write to read
ED.DEF, so the macro is at once ready for use. The macro assumes
that ED.DEF is in your default directory. If it isn't, add the
drive location to the text between the quote marks in this macro.
If you only need your macro for the moment, you can instead use
the second command, to install the macro temporarily. It does
this by copying the macro to a file named TEMP.DEF in your
default directory and asking PC-Write to read that file. (If
PC-Write doesn't find TEMP.DEF, the file will be created.) The
macro will then be available until you exit the program.
You can use this command as many times as you like. Each time,
the contents of TEMP.DEF will be replaced. However, all the
macros you installed earlier will stay in effect, unless you
assign a new macro to a key already assigned.
This command is also ideal for quickly testing macros or any
changes you make in them. If you send a macro to TEMP.DEF, and
the macro doesn't work right--or PC-Write gives an error
message--you can simply alter the macro and send it again. The
contents of TEMP.DEF is replaced each time, so you don't need to
switch to TEMP.DEF to delete your errors.
Both commands will read from the cursor to the start of the next
"paragraph." For this reason, the macro you send must be followed
by a blank line, even at the end of a document. If you want to
send more than one macro at a time, simply delete any blank lines
between them.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 9
Program setting commands are complete in themselves, without
assigning to keys.
103. Program Speedup
With medium and large files on slow computers, this command
speeds up certain PC-Write operations, including
-- Inserting new text within a line.
-- Scrolling, if you've also boosted your keyboard repeat rate.
(Jagged scrolling becomes more even.)
Installing this command is slightly different. You MUST place it
only in the file named ED.DEF. You MUST place it before any other
macro in that file. And you MUST exit the program completely
before PC-Write can act on it.
This is not a keyboard setting. It speeds up PC-Write itself by
specifying a smaller portion of memory as the "main editing
segment." However, it can aggravate any of a certain kind of bug
in PC-Write that creates "memory allocation" errors. For this
reason, use it ONLY with PC-Write versions 3.03 and later. USING
The command also limits the amount of memory PC-Write can use for
certain operations, possibly leading to "out of memory" error
messages. For instance, it will decrease the memory available for
macros. If you run up against such a limit, you can change the
command's 6000 byte specification to a higher number. The
PC-Write default is 64000.
Because of the possible technical difficulties in the use of this
macro, it is recommended only for advanced users of PC-Write.
104. Reminder Lines
Displays the Shft-F1 reminder lines automatically when you start
105. Sticky Shifts
Makes Shift, Control, and Alt "stick" when you press them, so you
don't have to hold them down while you press the second key.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 10
These macros create a complete pop-up Notepad facility, for use
while editing any document. You can write notes and send them to
the printer or to a special file. There's even a special Notepad
for quick envelope addressing.
Unlike notepads from independent programs, this one operates with
normal PC-Write edit commands and modes. You can even leave it on
screen while moving your cursor back to the document to edit
text. And you can use PC-Write block commands to transfer text
between Notepad and document.
Note: PC-Write goes into Hide Mode when a Notepad is opened, and
should be left in that mode until the Notepad is closed. Also
note: The Notepad commands will work even if your cursor isn't on
the Notepad--but in most cases a Notepad must be open and
somewhere on the screen.
106. Open Notepad
This pops up the Notepad just above the paragraph your cursor is
on. You then type your note as you would normally enter text.
Edit modes you've already set in your document will still apply--
except that Hide Mode will be on and should be left on. You can
change the special Notepad ruler with F2, though the ruler may
look strange to you.
There are several things to watch out for while using the
-- Don't insert Guide lines or page break lines on the Notepad,
and DO NOT REPAGE WHEN A NOTEPAD IS OPEN. Also avoid using font
symbols and other special characters on the Notepad if your note
is going to the printer.
-- Be careful with sentence and paragraph delete and transpose
macros on the Notepad. Though the Notepad walls may look solid,
they're not. A powerful macro used at the top or bottom of the
Notepad could extend into your document.
-- Don't try to print your document with a Notepad open.
107. Top of Notepad
108. Bottom of Notepad
These move you to the top or bottom of the Notepad. Hint: They
will search for the Notepad anywhere in the document if you first
place your cursor at the document end.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 11
109. Mark Notepad
This marks your note. Use it for copying or moving the note to
your document or other files, among other uses.
110. Move Notepad
If you move to another part of the document, this can transfer an
entire open Notepad and its contents to your new location. (Block
moving a whole Notepad by simply marking it may not be safe.)
Among other uses, this is a quick and easy way to check whether
you've left a Notepad open in the document. NOTE: This macro
resets PC-Write's first bookmark.
111. Print Notepad
This sends your note to the printer for a permanent record. First
make sure your printer is on line.
112. Add to Notefile
113. Replace Notefile
These send your note to a special file called NOTEFILE in your
default drive and directory. (If the file isn't there, it will be
created.) You can later retrieve your notes with macros provided
here, or you can view or print NOTEFILE directly with normal
PC-Write or DOS commands.
With the first macro, the note is added to the end of the
Notefile. With the second macro, the new note REPLACES all
PRESSING RETURN (ENTER) OR F9. Any other key will beep and cancel
the macro. Hint: To erase all contents of the Notefile, send an
empty Notepad to replace it.
You can save notes to files other than NOTEFILE by marking the
note and exporting with Ctrl-F6.
114. Open Notefile
This adds the entire Notefile to your Notepad for viewing and
editing. At this point, you can print the Notefile contents with
Print Notepad. Note: Open Notefile will not work if you haven't
already created the Notefile by sending a note to it.
115. Erase Notepad
This deletes your note, leaving a blank Notepad for a fresh
start. However, you do NOT need to erase the Notepad before
closing it.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 12
116. Close Notepad (Hide Mode)
117. Close Notepad (Show Mode)
These remove the Notepad, and your note with it, when you're
done. Choose one or other macro to leave you in Hide Mode or in
Show Mode.
NOTE: Closing the Notepad does NOT automatically save your note.
To preserve it, you must first print the Notepad or send the note
to the Notefile. If you close the Notepad accidentally, you can
"undelete" it--in Hide Mode, please--by pressing Ctrl-F4.
118. Envelope Notepad
119. Envelope Notepad, Return Address
These pop up special notepads for addressing business-size
envelopes in a dot matrix or daisy wheel printer.
Use the second macro if you want a return address included.
Replace the macro text within the quote marks with your own data.
Be sure to leave the quote marks! Delete ALL text within a pair
of quote marks to leave the line blank.
When you pop up an Envelope Notepad, the cursor is in place to
begin typing. Since the left margin is set at that location, just
press Return (Enter) to start the next line. Auto-reformatting
and Wordwrap are cancelled within these special Notepads.
When you're done, use the normal Print Notepad command. First
make sure your printer is on line and your envelope is flush
with the print head. With a dot matrix printer, you may first
have to disengage your "paper out" sensor.
NOTEPAD MACRO PLACEMENT: Here's how the Notepad macros are
assigned on our own computer. Most of the keys are function keys
with Ctrl-Alt. For easier remembering, we've tried to choose keys
with related PC-Write operations.
Ctrl-Alt-F1 Open Notepad Ctrl-Alt-F2 Close Notepad
Ctrl-Alt-F3 Open Notefile Ctrl-Alt-F4 Erase Notepad
Ctrl-Alt-F5 Address Notepad Ctrl-Alt-F6 Mark Notepad
Ctrl-Alt-F7 Print Notepad Ctrl-Alt-F8 Move Notepad
Ctrl-Alt-F9 Replace Notefile Ctrl-Alt-F10 Add to Notefile
Ctrl-Alt-top- Top of Pad Ctrl-Alt-top+ Bottom of Pad
For quicker fingering, you could assign the macros to Ctrl-Alt
with the top number row--Ctrl-Alt-1 for Open Notepad, etc.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 13
See also "Alternate Key Macros."
120. Screen Tab Left
121. Screen Tab Right
122. Screen Left
123. Screen Right
These shift the screen horizontally by tab and margin stop, or by
full screen. PC-Write provides these, but none are assigned
except on extended keyboards.
124. Northwest
125. Northeast
126. Southwest
127. Southeast
Diagonal cursor movement! Down with right angles! Escape your box
and be free!
These macros "pivot" elements--transpose the first and third in a
series of three. For instance, the words "one two three" would
pivot to become "three two one." The macros are based on an idea
by David Brender, author of a PC-Write add-on called The Editing
Keypads (RD 2, Box 46, Wells Bridge, NY 13859, 607-988-2849).
128. Pivot Characters
129. Pivot Words
130. Pivot Lines
131. Pivot Sentences
132. Pivot Paragraphs
Place your cursor on the middle element. Repeating a command
switches the elements back to their original order. Pivot Word
will not work on sets of words spanning two lines. Pivot Sentence
and Pivot Paragraph will not execute at the end of the document.
Pivot Sentence also will not execute at the document beginning.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 14
These commands "enhance" characters, words, and lines. They can
only be used in Pushright mode and with Auto-reformatting off, so
they automatically set these conditions when you use them. (Most
of the Enhance commands end with an F7 Reformat, in any case.)
The macros are set up for bolding. For underlining, replace code
002 with code 023. For italics, replace 002 with 021.
133. Enhance Character Left
134. Enhance Character Right
135. Enhance Word Left
136. Enhance Word Right
137. Enhance Line Left
138. Enhance Line Right
The Enhance Left and Right commands move the cursor, and can be
repeated to add enhancement to successive elements--within the
same line, only. You can also use an opposite-direction command
to UNenhance elements already enhanced.
139. Enhance Character
140. Enhance Entire Word
141. Enhance Entire Line
Use the Enhance Entire commands if you prefer to have your cursor
ANYWHERE ON the element you're enhancing. The cursor stays where
it was. Repeating a command UNenhances the element.
On our first PC-Write Macros disk, we gave page format macros
based on a standard "pica" page--8-1/2 X 11 inches, 1 inch
margins all around, 10 characters per inch. Here are the same
macros, but based on a standard "elite" page: 8-1/2 X 11 inches,
1-1/2 inch margins all around, 12 characters per inch.
142. Block Paragraph Ruler, elite
143. Indented Paragraph Ruler, elite
144. Hanging Indent Ruler, elite
145. Two-Column, Block Paragraph Ruler, elite
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 15
146. Two-Column, Indented Paragraph Ruler, elite
These insert various rulers in your document. Of course, you can
create your own variations. Use Overwrite mode to modify the
macros' ruler text safely and easily.
147. Single-Spaced, Block-Paragraph Page, elite
148. Single-Spaced, Indented-Paragraph Page, elite
149. Double-Spaced, Block-Paragraph Page, elite
150. Double-Spaced, Indented-Paragraph Page, elite
These set up entire page formats by inserting a ruler and Guide
lines in your document. Placed at the beginning of your file,
they can apply to the entire document. Inserted later in the
file, they will format subsequent pages.
The macros set PC-Write's E font, for draft quality. If you
prefer the Q (quality) font, replace "E" with "Q" in the macro
text within the quote marks.
151. Letterhead
On our first PC-Write Macros disk, we presented a macro that
inserted an entire letterhead into your document. Here's the same
letterhead, adjusted for an "elite" page format and the Quality
font (letter-quality elite).
Designed primarily for dot matrix printers, the letterhead
includes bold, double wide, variable, underlined, and quality
(elite) fonts--but may also work acceptably with printers lacking
one or more of these. Subsequent pages will print with a simple
header: name and page number.
Replace the text within quote marks with your own data. Be sure
to leave the quote marks! The letterhead is set for single-
spacing, block paragraphs. If you want to change it to double-
spacing, change .m:1 on the LAST line only, to .m:2.
You can insert the letterhead within your file as many times as
you like. Just put in a hard page break, then insert the
letterhead on the line immediately following. Each time PC-Write
prints the letterhead, page numbering will be reset--so a page
with the letterhead is always counted as page 1.
The letterhead takes a moment to appear, so please be patient!
Also please note: The entire letterhead--except for a few blank
lines--disappears in Hide Mode.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 16
152. Cursor Wrap Up
153. Cursor Wrap Down
These act like the Arrow Keys, but the cursor shifts up or down
to the next line when it reaches a line start or end. If you're
using a column format, the cursor will stay within the column.
PC-Write assigns them obscurely to Ctrl-S and Ctrl-D.
154. Text Tab Left, Pushright only
155. Text Tab Right, Pushright only
These are alternate tabbing functions for Pushright mode, moving
not only the cursor, but also any text that follows it. They are
the same as the Indent and Unindent Line macros on our first
disk, except that these act as normal tabs when you're in
Overwrite. Place the cursor on the first word of the line.
PC-Write supplies these, but does not assign them.
156. PgUp/PgDn Switch
157. Shft-PgUp/Shft-PgDn Switch
These two pairs of pre-assigned macros switch PgUp with PgDn, and
Shft-PgUp with Shft-PgDn. They're for those who just can't get
used to seeing text move UP when it's said to be traveling DOWN.
158. Shft-Grey-/Shft-Grey+ Switch
This pair of pre-assigned macros switches Shft-Grey- and
Shft-Grey+. Shft-Grey- then takes you BACKWARD to the START of
the document, and Shft-Grey+ brings you FORWARD to the END. This
matches the use of Grey- and Grey+ in the Find function.
159. Typewriter Comma and Period
A pair of pre-assigned macros to make the Comma and Period Keys
enter the same symbols with Shift, as on a typewriter--instead of
entering "<" and ">" with Shift.
160. Alt-G with Period
Inserts a period after the Guide line symbol. Saves keystrokes,
and saves you from inserting the symbol unknowingly.
161. Hyphenate and Reform
If you're not using Auto-reformatting, this will speed up your
hyphenation. It inserts a soft-hyphen and reformats with one
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 17
162. Unbreakable Dash
Inserts a dash (two hyphens) that cannot be broken in the middle
by PC-Write's Wordwrap or Auto-reformatting. Don't use it in
files to be read by other programs.
163. Guaranteed Paragraph Right
If you try to jump to the next paragraph (currently Ctrl-PgDn) at
the end of a document not ending in a blank line, the cursor
lands at the beginning of the final line of the paragraph. This
macro prevents that, by inserting a blank line at the bottom if
there isn't one. It is slower than the normal command.
164. Overwrite Return
This macro acts as a regular Return in Pushright, but in
Overwrite only moves the cursor, without adding a line or moving
text. Useful for filling out forms on screen.
165. Guaranteed Return
Currently, PC-Write's Return will not bring cursor or text to the
paragraph margin if the cursor starts out to the left of that
margin. This macro will ALWAYS bring cursor and text to the
paragraph margin--though it's much slower than a normal Return.
166. Keep Paragraph Return
This is a Return that also inserts a "Keep Paragraph" symbol at
the end of the line, to prevent reformatting. Good for lists.
167. Triple-Space
This one triple-spaces--inserts two blank lines--in a double-
spaced document. You don't see triple-spacing much anymore--it's
disappearing with the typewriter. Nowadays, it's much easier to
hit Return twice, producing THREE blank lines in the printed
document. But this macro makes triple-spacing easy again, by
inserting the right Guide lines with a single keystroke.
Start this one with your cursor at the end of a paragraph or at
the beginning of the next. Hide Mode is cancelled, so you see the
inserted lines.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 18
168. Fractions (IBM and HP Y/Series II)
169. International Characters (IBM and HP Y/Series II)
170. Greek, math, and science characters (IBM and HP Y/Series II)
PC-Write enables you to enter many special characters by
"overprinting" with the Accent Key. But, if you use particular
characters often, there's no reason not to assign them to regular
keys. For instance, if you're typing French, you could assign
various accented forms of "e" to Ctrl-E, Alt-E, Shft-Ctrl-E,
Shft-Alt-E, and/or Ctrl-Alt-E.
These macros work with printers by IBM, plus Hewlett Packard
Laserjets with a Y cartridge, or Series II. Those printers print
the characters just as you see them on the screen. Most other
printers don't. To assign characters for use on other printers,
refer to the PC-Write User's Guide.
The first macro enables you to print 1/4 and 1/2 in standard
fraction form. The second supplies international (mostly
European) characters. The third gives characters used in science
and math. Each macro is actually a set of macros. Assign only the
ones you need. Make sure you delete all lines you don't assign!
Here's how the story goes: Back when the typewriter was invented,
the developers saw that the mechanism was slow and easily jammed.
To allow for this, they purposely arranged the letters and
punctuation on the keyboard in a way that would slow down the
typist. That's the standard keyboard we have today, nicknamed
"Qwerty," after the first six keys on the top letter row.
The dissenter was a fellow named Dvorak. He redesigned the
keyboard to place the most-often-pressed keys on the main row,
drastically cutting how far the typist's fingers had to travel.
The result was a dramatic increase in speed and efficiency.
Dvorak was too late to turn the tide. But, ever since, there has
been a small cult following for the Dvorak keyboard. It's always
been possible--at great expense--to order custom typewriters with
his keyboard installed.
Then along comes the personal computer and electronic word
processing. Now a keyboard can be converted from Qwerty to
Dvorak--and back again--by nothing more than a change in
software. This has sparked renewed interest.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 19
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
[ Q ] [ W ] [ E ] [ R ]:[ T ] [ Y ]:[ U ] [ I ] [ O ]:[ P ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]:[ ] [ ]:[ ] [ ] [ ]:[ ]
[ " ] [ < ] [ > ] [ P ]:[ Y ] [ F ]:[ G ] [ C ] [ R ]:[ L ]
[_'_] [_,_] [_._] [___]:[___] [___]:[___] [___] [___]:[___]
___ ___ ___ ___: ___ ___: ___ ___ ___: ___ ___
[ A ] [ S ] [ D ] [ F ]:[ G ] [ H ]:[ J ] [ K ] [ L ]:[ : ] [ " ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]:[ ] [ ]:[ ] [ ] [ ]:[ ; ] [ ' ]
[ A ] [ O ] [ E ] [ U ]:[ I ] [ D ]:[ H ] [ T ] [ N ]:[ S ] [ ? ]
[___] [___] [___] [___]:[___] [___]:[___] [___] [___]:[___] [_/_]
___ ___ ___ ___: ___ ___: ___ ___ ___: ___
[ Z ] [ X ] [ C ] [ V ] [ B ] [ N ] [ M ] [ < ] [ > ] [ ? ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ , ] [ . ] [ / ]
[ : ] [ Q ] [ J ] [ K ] [ X ] [ B ] [ M ] [ W ] [ V ] [ Z ]
[_;_] [___] [___] [___] [___] [___] [___] [___] [___] [___]
The keyboard chart shows the standard letters on top and the
Dvorak letters below. All keys not included here are the same for
both keyboards. We've changed some Dvorak punctuation keys to
accommodate the PC keyboard and to reflect differences between
typewriter typing and word processing. Thanks for the information
on Dvorak's placement to Randy Cassingham, editor of the
newsletter Dvorak Developments, PO Box 1895, Upland, CA 91785.
171. Dvorak Keyboard
172. Typewriter comma and period, Dvorak
The first is a set of macros converting all lower and upper case
letter keys to the Dvorak placement. All the macros are pre-
assigned--you don't need to add anything. As an option, the
second set of macros converts the Dvorak Comma and Period Keys to
produce those marks also with Shift, as on a typewriter. Place it
AFTER the main Dvorak macro set.
Note: With the Dvorak keyboard, don't expect CapsLock to work
normally on former letter keys or on former punctuation keys.
173. Dvorak Alt Keyboard--Direct
174. Dvorak Alt Keyboard--Access Key
The PC-Write Alt-letter commands work by mnemonics--the command
is suggested by the letter, as in "Alt-B" for "Bold." So Dvorak
users may want to convert their Alt keyboard as well. The first
macro directly reassigns the keys. For example, for Bold you
would press Dvorak Alt-B, instead of standard Alt-B.
To use this first macro, you MUST delete the line "!pr.def" from
your ED.DEF file. This prevents PC-Write from reading the file
PR.DEF after ED.DEF, which would cancel the macro. But this means
PC-Write's edit program can no longer read any page format lines
you install in PR.DEF, and also cannot properly format line
length for proportional fonts and other special-width characters.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 20
Also, with this first macro, you won't get the four symbols
assigned to former punctuation keys (Dvorak Alt-S, Alt-W, Alt-V,
and Alt-Z)--unless you have an extended keyboard.
To avoid these problems, you may prefer to use the second macro
instead. This enables you to reach a Dvorak Alt keyboard through
an "access key." For example, if you chose Ctrl-Backslash as your
access key, you would get a Bold font symbol by pressing and
releasing Ctrl-Backslash, then the Dvorak B Key--"b", "B", or
Ctrl-B, but NOT Alt-B. (Note: You could not use Control with
Dvorak S, W, V, or Z.)
This macro is actually a "two-key" macro set. Assign it to the
access key of your choice just as you would assign any other
macro--by placing a key code at the start of the top line.
175. Dvorak Control Keyboard--Access Key
You may be using some of PC-Write's imitation Wordstar commands
on the Ctrl-letter keys--especially if your "almost-compatible"
computer or keyboard doesn't give you all the normal PC-Write
keys. If you've memorized these keys by letter name rather than
position, you can use this macro to shift them all at once to the
Dvorak keys of the same letter name.
Like the second Alt keyboard macro, this one works by means of a
chosen access key, without changing the commands on the Ctrl-
letter keys themselves. However, instead of executing commands
directly, it merely tells PC-Write to execute whatever command it
finds already assigned to the standard Ctrl-letter key. In other
words, if you press Dvorak Ctrl-I, you'll get whatever command is
currently assigned to standard Ctrl-I.
The key pressed after the access key can be lower case, upper
case, or Ctrl-letter (except Control can't be used with Dvorak S,
W, V, or Z).
We owe this macro to a tip from David Brender, author of The
Editing Keypads. We wouldn't have imagined it possible!
By the way, if the Dvorak keyboard interests you, you'll also
want to try our PC-Write add-on, Writer's Heaven. We've done for
the command keys what Dvorak did for the letter keys--rearranged
them for much greater efficiency. The ingenious setup of Writer's
Heaven can double your editing speed--yet it's easy to learn and
use. What's more, it's equally suited to standard or Dvorak
keyboards, because the commands are memorized by position, not by
If using Writer's Heaven, be sure to use ONLY the access-key
Dvorak Alt keyboard, instead of the direct keyboard. And you
won't need the Dvorak Control keyboard.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 21
176. Reverse Case, Word Left
177. Reverse Case, Paragraph Left
Left CapsLock on by mistake? The first macro reverses the case of
entire words while moving the cursor backward in the text. The
second macro reverses the case of all text to the beginning of
the paragraph, without moving the cursor.
178. Caps/Capitalize, Word Right
Changes an entire word from all caps to capitalized--or vice
versa--then moves to the next word. For example, "Simple
Productions" becomes "SIMPLE PRODUCTIONS," and "SIMPLE
PRODUCTIONS" becomes "Simple Productions"--a word at a time.
179. Strip Space
This macro strips blank spaces from the ends of lines. Mark the
text you want to convert, or mark the entire document with
Ctrl-F5. Each time you use it, one space is stripped from the end
of each line that has any. Repeat the command until the top line
says "0 times." You can cancel the conversion with Esc, or speed
it up with F9. Reformatting a paragraph or marked section
restores a single blank space to the end of each line. NOTE: This
macro changes the find and replace text.
180. Flush Left, marked text only
This brings all lines in marked text flush to the left screen
edge, by way of PC-Write's Shft-Delete function. It is good
especially for uncentering text you have centered. Guide lines
and page breaks are not affected. Make sure the text you want
converted is properly marked. Also, if you don't want the text
reformatted, make sure Auto-reformatting is OFF. Afterwards, you
can use Shft-Insert to move the text right again, as a flush left
block. NOTE: This macro sets the temporary default for Shft-
Insert and Shft-Delete at 253!
181. First Name Last, by line
182. First Name First, by line
183. First Name Last, continuous
184. First Name First, continuous
These macros reverse the order of names in a list--first-name-
first to first-name-last, or vice versa. For instance, if a list
line reads "Betty and Harold Boop-Shnoop", the first macro of
each pair will change it to "Boop-Shnoop, Betty and Harold." The
second macro will do the reverse.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 22
Your cursor can start anywhere on the line. There must be no
spaces at the ends of the lines. (See the Strip Space macro in
this section.) The first pair of macros converts the list a line
at a time, moving the cursor to the next line, ready to repeat.
The second pair converts continuously, from the cursor line to
the end of the document. Press any key to halt it.
185. Indented to Block, by paragraph
186. Block to Indented, by paragraph
187. Indented to Block, continuous
188. Block to Indented, continuous
These convert indented paragraphs to block paragraphs, and vice
versa. Your cursor can start anywhere in a paragraph. To convert
to indented paragraphs, you must have a paragraph margin in your
ruler, and there must be no margins or tab stops between that
margin and the left margin. Guide lines between paragraphs are
left intact.
The first pair of macros converts a single paragraph, then moves
to the beginning of the next one, ready to repeat. The second
pair converts continuously from the cursor paragraph to the end
of the document. Halt it by pressing any key.
189. Paragraph-Page Break, by page
190. Paragraph-Page Break, continuous
These move soft page breaks so they fall between paragraphs--in
other words, so that paragraphs will not be split between two
pages. The soft breaks are then changed to hard breaks. For
accuracy, be sure to repage your document just before you begin.
Then start your cursor anywhere ON a soft break line.
The first macro converts one soft break, repages the document,
then moves the cursor to the next soft break, ready to repeat.
(It must repage each time, because shifting one page break
affects all soft breaks that follow.) If a break already falls
properly, it will be made hard, but not moved. However, you can
instead skip that one and move to the next soft break by pressing
The second macro converts continuously from the break the cursor
is on, to the end of the document, repaging as it goes. Press any
key to halt it. Make sure you START on a SOFT page break line.
Soft breaks only are converted, and made hard. If you don't like
the results, you can remove all page breaks at once through the
Alt-F5 menu--though this will remove hard breaks inserted before.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 23
NOTE: Because these macros are built on PC-Write 3.0 function key
menus, they may not work with later versions. ALSO NOTE: These
macros alter your find and replace text. ALSO NOTE: If you START
either macro on a hard page break line, the break will be
repositioned, but not always correctly.
These macros are based on an idea by David Brender, author of The
Editing Keypads.
These macros convert PC-Write text to formats handled by most
other word processors and desktop publishers, including
WordPerfect and Macintosh applications. They do not transfer
formatting or special characters--but, for simpler documents,
they may suit you as well as a full-scale conversion program, or
the DCA filter offered by Quicksoft.
Here's what you must do BEFORE using the macros:
1. Be sure you have backups--more than one!
2. Turn off Auto-reformatting and Wordwrap by pressing Shft-F7
until the Status Line says "Wrap-".
3. Make sure the body of your text is flush with the left screen
edge. It's best to enter it that way originally, with your
ruler's left margin at column 1, and setting any print margin by
a .x: Guide line. But, if that's not how you did it, you can mark
the entire document with Ctrl-F5, then use Shft-Delete to move it
to the left. Guide lines and page breaks do not affect the
operation, and are not affected. (Switch on Hide Mode, if they
confuse you.)
Note: This does NOT mean removing indents, hanging indents,
tabbed spaces, centering, etc. LEAVE THESE INTACT--at least for
now--and simply shift all text to the left as a solid block, so
that the leftmost text of your document is at the left screen
edge. Also note: To use the macros below, you MUST set the left
margin on your ruler to match the new left margin of your text.
4. Strip from your document all Guide lines, page breaks, font
symbols, soft spaces (for justification), and other special
characters. You can do this automatically through the Alt-F4
menu, with the selection for "non-ASCII" characters. If PC-Write
asks if you want to strip characters above 127, say yes.
If you will later need to restore font enhancements, page breaks,
etc., you may prefer--before stripping--to find-and-replace some
special characters with standard keyboard characters. For
instance, you could replace font symbols for bolding,
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 24
underlining, or italics, with an asterisk. Later, you would use
the other program to search for the asterisk, to find the words
to be enhanced. (Of course, you could instead locate these from a
printout of your original document.)
At this point--without further change in PC-Write--your file
could be read or converted by a host of PC word processors able
to handle "ASCII files." But further processing is required for
many applications, including Wordperfect, Macintosh word
processors and desktop publishers, and commercial typesetters.
191. Strip Line Breaks, whole document
192. Strip Line Breaks, marked text only
These macros will convert your text into a form handled by
Wordperfect, almost any other PC word processor or desktop
publisher, and many commercial typesetters, by stripping all line
breaks from within paragraphs. Each paragraph is then all on one
line, extending past the right edge of the screen. Blank lines
are not affected.
NOTE: If you have text that must not be reformatted--charts,
centered text, lists of single-line items, mailing lists--DO NOT
use these macros on it. If your document combines this kind of
text with normal paragraphs, use the second macro to convert only
the paragraphs.
Make sure Auto-reformatting and Wordwrap are off. Make sure the
left margin in your ruler matches the left margin of your text.
Your cursor can be anywhere in the document. If you later want to
restore the paragraphs to original form, simply mark them--
Ctrl-F5 for the entire document--and press F7. These macros are
based on one from the file MACRO.DEF--earlier called ED.MAC--on
the PC-Write Utilities Disk.
For WordPerfect, you may also want to use the Alt-F5 tab
conversion menu to change space indents to the tabs normally used
in that program--but this usually isn't necessary. Avoid it if
you have any centered text.
193. Flush Left, whole document
If your file is destined for a Macintosh application or other
graphics-based program, it's best now to remove ALL space in
front of text lines--paragraph indents, tabbed space, space in
front of centered lines, and so on. Graphics-based programs have
their own, superior ways of providing these formats, through
margin, tab, and other settings on their rulers.
The macro marks the entire document, then tells PC-Write's Shft-
Delete function to delete up to 253 empty spaces from the start
of each line. Note: After using this macro, 253 remains the
temporary default for Shft-Insert and Shft-Delete.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 25
194. Strip Line Feeds
If your file is going to the Mac, the final step is to convert
the line breaks remaining between paragraphs. On the PC, these
"hard" line breaks combine a carriage return with a line feed.
Macintosh applications use only a carriage return. This macro
removes the line feeds from the entire document. You cursor can
be anywhere in the document. The macro beeps when it's done.
Note: The macro makes sure Auto-Reformatting and Wordwrap are
off, and changes your find and replace text. Also note: This
macro will not work on documents larger than 60K, the size of
PC-Write's "main editing segment"--or 6K, if you're using our
Program Speedup macro with our default specification.
Your entire document will now be on one line!
The most economical way to transfer files from PC to Mac is with
a "null modem"--a glorified cable strung between communication
ports. On each machine, use a communications program offering the
same protocol, such as Xmodem.
In the Macintosh world, your file is known as "text only." Most,
but not all, Macintosh word processors can import such a file and
convert it to their own formats. Start your application, then
choose "Open" from the "File" menu. You may also be able to
select and open the file and the application together from the
195. PC-Write to Wordperfect
196. PC-Write to Mac
These macros are provided for the strong of heart. They combine
the PC-Write conversion steps into single-step marathons. Be sure
to have backups!
The macros assume you've gotten as far as setting your text body
against the left screen edge, and setting the ruler's left margin
to match. Spaces are NOT automatically converted to tabs. Do not
use these macros with any text that must not be reformatted. The
macros themselves insert a character with a code above 127, then
automatically tell PC-Write to strip such characters--DO NOT
respond to this prompt yourself. The macros beep when done.
Note: The macros set Pushright and end with Hide Mode, Auto-
reformatting, and Wordwrap turned off. The Macintosh macro also
changes your find and replace text and sets 253 as the temporary
default for Shft-Insert and Shft-Delete. Also note: The Macintosh
macro will not work on documents larger than 60K, the size of
PC-Write's "main editing segment"--or 6K, if you're using our
Program Speedup macro with our default specification. Also note:
Because the macros are based on PC-Write 3.0 function key
assignments, they may not work with later versions!
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 26
CONVERTING BACK: Many word processors and text editors create
documents that are basically ASCII text, like PC-Write's. Others
usually have an option for converting their documents to this
form, often under the name "print to file." (WordPerfect 5.0 has
a standalone utility called CONVERT.EXE.) Once in this form,
PC-Write can read it--but you may have to
-- Correct line endings, through the Alt-F5 menu.
-- Convert tabs to spaces, through the Alt-F5 menu (needed for
WordPerfect). Do this BEFORE the next step. And first be sure to
set your ruler tabs!
-- Strip all non-ASCII characters, through the Alt-F4 menu--if
you're reading an unconverted document.
-- Reformat with F7, after setting your ruler and marking all
with Ctrl-F5.
Wordstar files can be read directly, then converted in PC-Write,
by removing "highbits" through the Alt-F5 menu.
If you are regularly converting documents to or from
sophisticated PC word processors, look into Quicksoft's DCA
conversion program. This allows transfer of text, most
enhancements, and most formatting, all together, through an
intermediate format. Programs supporting this format include
WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Multimate, DisplayWrite,
Volkswriter III, and PFS: Professional Write. Quicksoft also
offers a program for converting directly to Pagemaker format.
197. Draw Down
PC-Write supplies many box-drawing keys, but the symbols are not
available on most printers. This macro draws a series of
asterisks, straight down. Use it in Overwrite, if you don't want
your text to shift over. NOTE: You can modify the macro to draw
any other symbol, letter, or number, by replacing the asterisk
within the quote marks.
198. Delete Down
This is a companion to the Draw Down macro, allowing you to erase
what you've drawn. In Pushright, it pulls text to the left; in
Overwrite, it doesn't.
PC-Write Macros, Volume 2 27
199. Save Reminder Escape
Presently, PC-Write's save reminder doesn't provide an option NOT
to save. This macro gets around it.
200. Macro Guard
When used at the beginning of a recorded key sequence, this keeps
the sequence from aborting if you press the same key or another
key too soon.
NAME: Send check or
money order to
Simple Productions
12 East 15th St. #3
Arcata, CA 95521 USA
____ I enclose $10 for registration.
____ We enclose $______ for registration @ $10 per station.
(Foreign payments must be in US$, by international postal
money order or similar.)
Which PC-Write version are you using? _______
Where did you obtain PC-Write Macros, Vol. 2?
(Please include full address or BBS phone number.)
COMMENTS: (Comments may be used in promotion.)